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What's this Mean?

There is a lot of jargon and terminology in special education. The Minnesota DeafBlind Project education specialist and family engagement coordinator are available to help support parents understanding. We hope to connect with you.

PACER Center has many resources for parents and families, including those with children who are deafblind.

If your child was identified as a baby or toddler with a disability and is now turning three years old, this resource might be helpful: What's the difference between an IFSP and IEP?

Since approximately 80% of children with combined hearing and vision loss have additional disabilities, sometimes teams do not recognize the impact of having both a hearing and vision loss at the same time. Current child count information indicates the majority of children who are deafblind are identified in their school years.

A Guide to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a wonderful resource from PACER Center. For more deafblind-specific information in regards to the IEP, you may find this link helpful: Developing an Effective IEP for Children with Deaf-Blindness: A Parent Mini-Guide (pdf)

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