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Intervener Training Series


Each year the Minnesota DeafBlind Project, in collaboration with the Minnesota Low Incidence Projects, offers a six-weekend in-person training series for new interveners and licensed staff who are working directly with students with combined hearing and vision loss. Training typically occurs in October, November, January, February, March and April. Instruction is provided by a combination of state and national experts in the field of deafblindness.

The Intervener Training Series flyer and Hold Request link are both available on the New Intervener Training and Team Support webpage which is updated each spring. School administrators should complete the Intervener Training Series Hold Request electronic form as intervener needs are identified.

The National Intervener Certification ePortfolio (NICE) process is currently undergoing a transition. Please continue to check back on this webpage and when the Minnesota DeafBlind Project has updated information it will be shared here and on our social media posts.

Gallery of presenters from Intervener Training

From left to right are Brandy Sebera, Ann Mayes, Carolyn Monaco, and Deanna Rothbauer. All four are white women standing closely together in front of a white wall and smiling at the camera.

From left to right are Brandy Sebera, Family Engagement Coordinator; Ann Mayes, Education Specialist; Carolyn Monaco, Intervener Trainer; and Deanna Rothbauer, Co-Director.

All four are white women standing closely together in front of a white wall and smiling at the camera. They are all wearing dark shirts and with one pink sweater.

From left to right are; Ann Mayes, Education Specialist; and Deanna Rothbauer, Co-Director, Lindsey Hegg, Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Brandy Sebera, Family Engagement Coordinator

Four white women stand closely together in front of a large window. They are all smiling at the camera. They all have brown hair and two are wearing glasses.

From left to right are Brandy Sebera, Family Engagement Coordinator; Ann Mayes, Education Specialist; Megan Mogan, Speech Language Pathologist, formerly with the Arizona DeafBlind Project; and Deanna Rothbauer, Co-Director.

Not pictured:
Kim Simshauser, Teacher of the Blind/Visually Impaired and Emma Mayes, Teacher of Developmental Cognitive Disabilities and Certified Intervener

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