Photo of a white family of three, mom, dad and their teenage son standing at the outdoor Muny Theatre in St. Louis.

Transition to Adulthood

Tools for Transition

Minnesota Transition Resources

  • The Minnesota DeafBlind Project can support families through person-centered planning, connecting with local agencies, and sharing of resources. 
  • State Services for the Blind (SSB) is an agency that has a team that helps students between the ages of 14 and 22 to build confidence, explore career possibilities, and expand their horizons of opportunity. Although the agency does not say “deafblind” in its title, SSB provides vocational rehabilitation services for students who have a combined hearing and vision loss (deafblindness).

    For students who are deaf/hard of hearing and then have begun losing vision or are at risk for losing vision, such as with Usher Syndrome, SSB is the agency that provides vocational support.
  • DeafBlind 101: An Introduction to Combined Hearing and Vision Loss is online training provided by the Minnesota Department of Human Services to help family members, friends and neighbors, caregivers, educators, employers and coworkers better understand combined hearing and vision loss.
  • Disability HUB MN is a free statewide resource network that includes Charting the LifeCourseTM, a tool that can be used to help school teams and families plan for transitions.

National Transition Resources

  • Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind Youths & Adults provides training and resources exclusively to people aged 16 and over who have combined vision and hearing loss.
  • National Center on Deafblindness: Transition recognizes that youth who are deafblind experience significant challenges when transitioning from school to desired post-school outcomes such as community inclusion, college, and career readiness. NCDB’s initiative facilitates existing partnerships between organizations and individuals dedicated to promoting successful transitions to adulthood for young adults with deafblindness.
  • National Parent Center on Transition and Employment is from PACER Center and provides information, stories and resources to youth and their families. This is not deafblind-specific information, but provides good information about transition processes in general.
  • National Technical Assistance Center on Transition shares best practices for transition and toolkits that provide an overview and then step-by-step guidance and resources on specific topics such as competitive integrated employment, evaluating work and hosting transition fairs.

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